Apply for a Grant

Applications must be submitted electronically to Denise Marques at by February 14, 2025

All Qualified Donees under the Income Tax Act of Canada may apply to the Brampton and Caledon Community Foundation for Granting consideration. Typically, a Qualified Donee is a Registered Charity with a Charitable Registration Number. There are some exceptions, as the Income Tax Act of Canada indicates.

Our Guiding Principles:

  • Building community assets and facilitating philanthropy.
  • Establishing an effective and imaginative grants program.
  • Implementing responsive and accountable processes.
  • Reflecting diversity and fostering renewal.
  • Building community capacity.
  • Creating community dialogue and partnerships.

Our Operating Principles:

  • Maintaining and respecting the confidentiality of information obtained throughout all processes.
  • Declaring and recognizing conflicts of interest that may arise through the granting process.

These principles are the framework for the decisions and processes of the Grant Making Committee of the Brampton and Caledon Community Foundation.


  • Grants are made only to groups/organizations registered as Canadian charitable organizations and others qualified as described in Section 110 of the Income Tax Act.
  • Preference will be given to projects, which contribute to the community’s growing needs for artistic, cultural, recreational, educational, environmental, health and social service related programs.
  • Organizations must demonstrate vision, action, effectiveness, fiscal responsibility and good management.
  • Applicants must establish the seriousness of the need and the degree of potential benefit to the community served.
  • It must be clear that the organization and its personnel are able to achieve results.
  • A clear outline of partnership, co-operation and co-ordination with other similar programs or projects should be evident.
  • Reasonable assurances that the amount requested is sufficient to achieve results.
  • Encouragement of volunteer participation along with constructive attention to diversity and positive change should be evident.
  • All applicants will be required to complete a grant application form and supply requested reference information. A meeting with the Grant Making Committee or the President & CEO may be required.

Applicants receiving a grant will be required to submit a final report upon completion of the project. The Foundation reserves the right to audit the project on completion or at intervals during the project.


The Foundation does not support the following items:

  • Fundraising events or campaign activities
  • Partisan, political or direct religious activities
  • Individuals Sports and recreation teams or club sponsorship
  • Pay down of mortgages, deficit reduction or projects already completed
  • Operating expenses of established agencies or programs or capital building campaigns
  • Multiple year requests
  • Research, publication of studies, educational material, seminars, conferences or workshops, tours or travel outside the community and scholarships or fellowships

Grants available from donor-directed funds administered by the Foundation are not restricted by these guidelines.

Applications must be submitted electronically to Denise Marques at by February 14, 2025