Make a Donation

Online Payment

    * You will be taken to a Paypal page where you can specify the amount to Donate.

    e-Transfers / Cheque

    If you prefer to pay by cheque or e-transfer, please click here to download and fill out this donation form.

    Send e-Transfer to: (please provide password).

    Make cheque payable to: “Brampton and Caledon Community Foundation” and mail it to:

    Attention: James Boyd, President & CEO
    Brampton and Caledon Community Foundation
    PO BOX 179, Caledon East
    Caledon East, ON
    L7C 3L9

    Thank You for your Generous Donation.

    Type of Gift: (all donations are retained as endowed capital and held in perpetuity).

    Tax receipts will be issued in the amount donated.

    Charitable Registration #86198 9465 RR0001